The incessant lack of motivation constantly nags, and I find myself looking for excuses to not do any work and just barely coast through the year.
Fortunately, there are some ways to pull yourself out of this lack of motivation.
One method is to return to a rigid schedule. Creating a schedule that you absolutely have to follow will force you to get work done. Structure your schedule so that you don’t have too much time to get distracted. If you stay on task, you’ll get your work done faster and have more free time in the afternoon.
Once you have a schedule set, it is important to keep up your routine. Eat breakfast and lunch around the same time you would at school. Try to get outside and exercise so you can stay healthy and fit during this time. If you keep your school routine, you can succeed in making your online school experience much less challenging.
Beyond the struggle to stay motivated at school you may just be feeling out sorts even though some restrictions were lightened on May 4. Here are some key things to remember.
Given that this crisis is global, there is no shortage of news covering the woes of the world. As important as it is to keep informed and knowledgeable to minimize danger, it’s also important to not get dredged down in depressing news.
If you’re hurting for some good news, check out John Krasinski’s new web show “Some Good News”on youtube, featuring the happier stuff going on in the world, as well as some famous guest stars.
Also, according to a series of studies that can be found here, the psychological effects of quarantine can be boredom, fear of infection, and a feeling of lack of information and supplies.
Psychologists say that the best ways to counteract said feelings are finding ways to occupy the newfound free time by trying to help others and making sure to talk about your fears with a trusted individual..
Also meditation and exercise are both good strategies to help ease discomfort. Meditation is the act of focusing on your breathing and putting all other thoughts out of your mind. This leads to greater mindfulness and relieves stress. Exercise is also a good way of escape because you can lose your mind in the workout, relieving built-up pressure and wearing yourself out.
Finally, one of the best methods for conquering any quarantine dreariness is being social in a safe way. Being quarantined can often lead to feelings of isolation. If you can hang out with someone in a safe way, you should take that opportunity. Humans are social creatures, so getting out or at least calling someone to talk helps.
Being stuck at home can drive anyone crazy. Hopefully, using these methods can give you a way to focus and get your work done, while still allowing you to have fun despite ever-present boredom.
Teresa Wooten • Aug 28, 2020 at 7:34 am
Great article Henry!
One thing you could have added to help woth stress is prayer. This helps me when I feel stressed or unable to change circumstances.
Please don’t ever be afraid to share your faith…you never know who is reading your work and the impact it can have.