A few months after the first season of “The Mandalorian” was released, viewers were told by Jon Favreau, the creator and showrunner, that a second season would be released in October. And that time has come; however, is that a good thing?
Three episodes have already been released, and it just seems like a repeat of what happened in the first season. The Madalorian (Pedro Pascal) either helps someone in need because some other person or creature is terrorizing them, or he has to fight someone off who is trying to steal Baby Yoda. Always resulting is mando winning, making it kind of predictable.
The story has not been getting anywhere, I mean, we still barely know anything about Moff Gideon (Giancarlo Esposito) even after three episodes. We saw him survive at the end of the first season and arise from a crash with the darksaber and we have seen him for a few seconds at the end of the third episode.
The “goal” of mando in this season is to reunite yoda with its kind, so he’s searching for the jedi. However, he hasn’t been getting anywhere with it, and it’s a little too slow for my liking.
Despite the show being predictable and slow, it looks great. Both the Krayt Dragon and spiders from episodes one and two look comprehensive and all around, really pleasing to look at. Even side characters are all pleasing to look at, like the tusken raiders and all the other weird creatures. When it comes to world creation this show takes advantage of its large budget, I just wish they could do more with the story.
That being said, We have met a lot of new characters including Cobb Vanth (Timothy Olyphant), Bo-Katan Kryze (Katee Sackhoff), and possibly Boba Fett, son of Jango Fett. Bo-Katan and Boba Fett are both characters that have already been in previous shows, so it’s cool to see them being brought back, adding to the story. Once again, like the first season, people are already making assumptions about the story and what’s going to happen next.
This happened in the first season and it kept a lot of people hooked and interested, including me. So, it’s good to see that it is once again already happening.
I enjoyed the first season a lot, and it definitely was a success, and I hope to see it happen with the second season too. So far, I give “The Mandalorian” season two a 3.5 out 5 stars; however, we still have more episodes to come, so that score could change, and I hope it does.