Mount Michael Benedictine High School has been around since the 1950’s and has had many students graduate. At Mount Michael, students get the opportunity to board, which teaches kids many lessons great for the future such as how to manage time, how to work in a group, and many other skills for later in life. This has a huge impact on all the students for the rest of their lives, so much so that they want to send their sons here.
When alumni send their sons to the Mount, they become the rare generational alumni. The Collins family is one example of a legacy family. They have been associated with Mount Michael since 1980 when Charles started his freshman year.
Charles Collins 84’ finished at the top of his class with an ACT score above 30 and later became a doctor. Not only did Charles learn in the classroom but also outside the classroom.
“Mount Michael taught me the meaning of honor.: Charles said “I learned to be independent, self-reliant and comfortable with my own self as a result of my time at the school.”
Charles had four sons who also attended and graduated from Mount Michael: Michael’12, Jonathan ‘15, Patrick ‘18 and Matthew ‘20, and one son, Daniel ‘24, who is currently a student.
Many families have a feeling of pride when their sons attend and graduate from the Mount, and it’s the same for Charles. “Having my sons attend and love Mount Michael is a tremendous source of pride for me, he said. “I am very proud of the way my boys seem to be learning the same lessons,”
There are many other families just like them who have sent their kids to Mount Michael because they know they will get a quality education and learn many life skills for the future. For example Mike Danahay ‘96, and his son Austin Danahay ’24, and Dan Beninato ‘91, and his sons Sam and Dominic Beninato ‘25.