Junior Dorm Renovations Build Comfort, Community

Luxury Living: With new amenities, the refurbished junior dorms elevate the boarding experience.

The class of ‘24 gets to experience the junior dorms like no other class at Mount Michael. These new dorm rooms have been renovated with multiple new additions to make living on campus more enjoyable. With three people in a room, there is plenty more space in comparison to the sophomore and senior dorms that hold only two to a room.
With these latest renovations, the latest junior class gets to enjoy fresh perks that the past classes did not. These include a brand new carpet, paint color, desks, sinks, polished beds, and gym lockers used as storage.
Liam Ostrander ‘24 said, “I really like the new additions because it makes the dorms look much nicer.”
With the dorms being suited to fit two to a room, having just three to a room makes the dorm feel even bigger. The juniors have shown excitement for the greater space that these dorms provide.
Daniel Collins ‘24 was one of those juniors who expressed excitement. “The new dorms are much better than the other dorms. The renovations provided a nice carpet and new unmarked walls. They are a lot bigger than the sophomore dorms and having only three in a room makes them feel even bigger.”
Jacob Vandenack ‘24 agrees with Collins on the benefits of the additional floor space, “It provides more opportunities for different layouts with moveable furniture, and its updates make it nicer to be in.”
Despite enjoying more space in each room, Zach Wooten ‘24 spoke on some minor inconveniences in the room. “They should invest in some AC for the dorms, especially for the first and last months of school.”
Vandenack added on by explaining how he is not a huge fan of the current desks. “There are no drawers that come with the desk, so there is no space to put loose items, or you have to bring your own, which is more to move in and out.”
Even with obvious improvements, the junior class spends a similar amount of time in the dorms as they did the past two years. Although, they expressed how they enjoyed lounging in their current dorm rooms much more.
“I try to stay active and get out of the dorms but sometimes chilling up there with friends is nice too,” Collins said.
Whether the borders spend the majority of their time in the dorms or not, the boarding experience allows for a great opportunity to bond with classmates.